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What happens to the money after canceling a reservation?
What happens to the money after canceling a reservation?

Return, cancellation, payments, refunds

Adriana Silva avatar
Written by Adriana Silva
Updated over a week ago

Booking Engine

A reservation made through our booking engine can be cancelled by the owner of the establishment or the traveller. The amount of the advance payment will be managed by AvaiBook in accordance with the cancellation policy and the following cases may be considered:

  • If the cancellation is made by the traveler within the dates of the cancellation policy: AvaiBook will return the advance payment to the traveler, with the exception of the 1% commission and the financial commission.

  • If the cancellation is made by the traveler outside the dates of the cancellation policy, that is, the traveler can cancel, but the amount charged as an advance belongs to the owner of the accommodation.

  • If the cancellation is made by the owner, the full advance payment will be returned to the traveler. In this case the commissions are assumed by the owner and the owner has to make a payment with credit card for the amount of the fees in order to refund the traveller in full.

AvaiBook will be based on this, but this does not mean that you can return the deposit to the traveler, if you consider it appropriate to make the necessary arrangements.

*If the reservation has been made through Rentalia you must take into account that the commission of the portal is not refundable. If the traveler cancels, he will lose the commissions of AvaiBook and the portal. If you as the owner cancel, you must assume the commission of this website.

Booking Reservations

Limited synchronization with Booking:

If you charge Booking reservations through AvaiBook, you can choose between 2 options: manage the cancellation policy through AvaiBook automatically or not.

- If you manage the cancellation policy automatically through AvaiBook (we recommend this option) If the traveler cancels within the scheduled period of free cancellation (according to the cancellation policy that you have configured in AvaiBook) the system will automatically refund the amount of the advance payment collected, without the need for any steps on your part (the policy you have configured in Booking must coincide with the one you define in AvaiBook)

-If you do NOT manage the cancellation policy automatically through AvaiBook (an option that we do NOT recommend), if you have to make a refund you will have to manage it directly from the reservation file in AvaiBook.

Full Synchronization Booking:

With this version of the synchronization, the automatic management of the cancellation policy through AvaiBook is mandatory (as long as you charge the Booking reservations with AvaiBook).

If the traveler cancels within the scheduled period of free cancellation (according to the cancellation policy that you have configured in AvaiBook), the system will automatically refund the amount of the advance payment collected, without the need for any steps on your part.

Expedia and Vrbo XML Bookings

In the case of reservations from these two portals, refunds cannot be made automatically by AvaiBook, so the owner will be the one who makes the refund manually from the reservation details.

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