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What types of discounts can I sync with Airbnb and how do they work?
What types of discounts can I sync with Airbnb and how do they work?

Full Sync, Airbnb, Offers, Promotions, Rates, XML, Discount, Create Discount, Ruleset

Emilia avatar
Written by Emilia
Updated over a week ago

With the full XML synchronization with Airbnb you have the possibility to configure discounts directly from AvaiBook.

However, not all types of discounts available on AvaiBook are compatible with Airbnb.

What types of discounts can I sync with Airbnb?

Last minute:

*This type of offer will be calculated in the price in searches automatically, but will not be highlighted as an offer.

Early Booking:

Larga estancia:

As we said before, not all types of discounts available on AvaiBook are compatible with Airbnb.

The types of discounts that cannot be sync with Airbnb are:

  • Packages

  • Offers

You can configure these two types of discounts in AvaiBook, but they are incompatible with Airbnb, so you can use them in your engine but not in the portal.

Once you have decided what type of discounts you want to create for your accommodations and you have configured them in AvaiBook, it is important to know how these discounts works when you synchronize them with Airbnb.

Remember that whatever type of discount you choose, the information that will be synchronized with Airbnb are only the application of dates and the discount percentage with its conditions:

How do Airbnb discounts work?

Discounts on Airbnb are called Rule Sets. Its way of application is a little different from the usual discounts but it also allows more flexibility.

What is a set of rules?

A set of rules bring together a series of conditions linked to discounts, and can be made up of one or more conditions.

Example: we can create a Test Rule Set composed of the following rules:

  • Rule a: If the reservation is made at least 30 days in advance, a 15% discount is applied.

  • Rule b: If the reservation is for a minimum of 7 nights, a 10% discount is applied.

How do these sets of rules work in AvaiBook?

In AvaiBook you can create sets of rules from the configuration of your connection with Airbnb, and the rules that apply to the set will be selected from those you have created in AvaiBook.

In which dates do they will applied?

The dates of application of each set will depend on the rules (discounts) that compose them. The start date of the first discount that makes up the set will be taken as the start date, and the end date of the last discount that is within the set.

Example: Test rule set with two rules:

  • Rule a: If the reservation is made at least 30 days in advance, a 15% discount is applied. Valid from March 1 to 31.

  • Rule b: If the reservation is for a minimum of 7 nights, a 10% discount is applied. Valid from January 1 to February 15.

If we put these two rules together in a set, the whole set will apply from January 1 to March 31, with January 1 being the start date of the first discount, and March 31 being the end date of the last discount. discount.

Can I apply multiple rule sets to the same ad?

Yes, you can create as many sets as you want for each ad. There are just a few things to keep in mind:

  • You can't apply two exactly the same rule sets on the same dates as that would be duplicating them.

  • In the event that there are two sets of rules that coincide on some dates, keep in mind that on the dates on which they coincide, the set with the lowest rank will be applied.


Set 1 applies from January 1 to December 31

Set 2 applies from June 1 to August 31

The two sets coincide on the dates from June 1 to August 31, so for those dates the rules of set 2 will be applied since it is the one with the lowest rank.

If I include multiple types of discounts in a bundle, in what order are they applied?

If you enter multiple types of discounts in a set, they will be applied in the following order:

1º- Prices per night

2º- Discounts for length of stay

3º- Discounts for early booking and last minute

Remember that length of stay discounts cannot be combined with other discounts, except for the new host promotion. So if you set a length of stay discount and an early booking discount in a set, only the first will be applied.

For more information on how discounts work on the Airbnb platform, how to combine them with each other, and how to apply them, we always advise you to consult their:

Here you can find the direct link to the operation of the discounts within the Airbnb platform:

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