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How do I manage a mixed rental?
How do I manage a mixed rental?

Partial accommodation, full accommodation, mixed synchronization

Elena avatar
Written by Elena
Updated over 3 years ago

It is possible that you have an accommodation that sometimes you rent in full but in others you offer the rooms or units that make up the accommodation.

For example, you can have a rural complex that you rent out completely or you can rent the houses separately. Or an apartment that you rent completely or by rooms.

Managing these types of rentals can be risky if you advertise them at the same time as you increase the chances of over-selling. To minimize this risk we explain below what steps you should take.

What steps should I follow to manage a mixed rental?

In order to keep your accommodations updated in the most automated way, we recommend an internal connection through iCal between them. This connection can only be made in a unidirectional way because if you do it in both directions it will generate loops between the houses preventing the sale in dates that otherwise would be available. The most advisable is that the availability is sent from the rental form with which you usually receive more reservations because this way you can save a greater amount of manual work and reduce the risk of overbooking. The form of rental that will receive fewer reservations, will receive the availability of the first and also recommend you leave the reservations on request to completely cancel the possibilities of overbooking.


We have a rural complex that we rent complete or by individual houses and we receive more reservations by the individual houses.

In this case we will send the calendar of the individual houses to the whole complex and leave the whole complex with reservations on request.

This way, when you book one of the individual houses AvaiBook will block the entire complex. In the case that they book the whole house you will have to block the calendar of your units manually. Once we have explained how this works, we will explain to you how you can do this synchronization.

How do I synchronize my mixed rental internally?

1º- Get the calendar of the most rented units:

Access the Channel Manager menu that you will see on the left hand side of the main menu. Once there you will see in the upper right corner the button Create Synchronization click on it.

A box will open where you must select iCal as a portal (1) and in the accommodation to link (2) you will have to choose the one where you receive more reservations and from which you want to send availability. In our case, following the example, we choose the partial accommodation that would correspond to the individual houses of the rural complex.

Give your connection a name (3) to help you identify it. In our case we have called it "From partial to complete" to help us distinguish in which direction the connection is going. With this connection we intend to generate the iCal (calendars) of the individual houses to paste them into the whole complex so that when one of the houses blocks the complex too, for this reason we will select in connection type the option of one-way from AvaiBook (4).

Click on the OK button (5) to continue.

You will be given the iCal links for each of the units that make up the partial rental, in our case House 1 and House 2.

Since we want your whole complex to be locked when there is a reservation in house 1 or house 2 we will have to paste the calendars of the latter two in the whole house. What we explain below you will have to do it twice, once for house 1 and once for house 2.

You will start by copying the ical of house 1 and we will create a new synchronization, you will have to select as ical portal (1), the accommodation you choose this time is the complete complex (2). To identify the connection you will give it the name from house 1 to complete (3) and to finish you will mark the synchronization mode, Unidirectional to AvaiBook (4) and you will accept.

Next, a screen will appear where you will have to paste the calendar that you had previously copied from house 1. In this way the complete accommodation will import the information from the calendar of house 1.

Remember this last process to do the same but for house 2.

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