An API is an intermediary between two systems, which allows an application to communicate and interact with another application by requesting data or performing specific actions. Therefore, the purpose of an API is to communicate between two applications.
What do I need it for?
Generally, it is not essential to make use of API since AvaiBook already offers a booking engine with different designs so that it can be adapted to your web page or networks without the need of any kind of programming.
However, you may need it if you have your own software, your own engine, or any management tool, invoicing, PMS, CRM... that you need to connect with AvaiBook to exchange certain information.
How is this API integration done?
AvaiBook will provide an API Key to your developer that will help him to access your account and be able to program this communication between both platforms. For this, AvaiBook will previously provide with the necessary documentation so that you can carry out this integration without any problem and knowing beforehand what information can be exchanged between both sides.
How can I request it?
First you must fill in the form that you will find in this section:
Integrations > API > Form
2. Once we receive the form and verify that it is feasible to perform this type of integration, we will contact you to give your API key and credentials in order to access to our test environment where your developer can start the integration and perform all the necessary tests.
3. Once the tests are completed, our technical team will perform the certification and will pass this integration to your real account so that it can be activated correctly.
Important clarifications:
⚠ In order to perform an API integration it is necessary to have a Pro Plan.
⚠ This API is not appropriate if you need to connect another portal or an external application (locks, check-in...). For this we have integrations already developed with both partners and portals.
⚠ AvaiBook does not develop this integration. It provides the “key” and the necessary documentation so that the interested party can develop it in a customized way. Therefore, you must have an IT team willing to develop the integration.