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How do I manage my calendar for (Limited sync)
How do I manage my calendar for (Limited sync)

Channel manager, open and close rates,

Adriana Silva avatar
Written by Adriana Silva
Updated over a week ago

As you know, from AvaiBook we send to synchronized channels all the availabilities in your calendar, which you will find in the "Planning" menu, so they can be sold, and it will be from this calendar where you will manage your availability for all of them.

But, specifically with Booking we have an extra functionality.

If there are certain dates on which you want to offer availability for the rest of the channels that you have connected and not for Booking, you will have the possibility to do so from the calendar configuration within the synchronization of this portal.

This section will allow you to open and close dates for the different rates you have created.

You will access this section from Accommodations > My accommodations. Select the property and in the right area click on the Manage Rates button with the Booking icon.

You will access the synchronization configuration area with

You will see all the rates that you have created in the portal dumped in AvaiBook.

In the middle of the screen, you will see the Calendar Management section on

You should see a calendar line for each of the rates you have configured. It is important that you know that this is not your availability calendar, but a calendar to open and close the sales of your rates on the portal.

The calendar where you have to register the blocks or reservations that you have must be the general AvaiBook calendar.

Although all rates are open in this section, it does not mean that the portal can sell if you already have a reservation. We simply allow you to close rates that you do not want to sell on certain dates.

You can choose to close or open (in case they are already closed) your rates on certain dates, choosing the Action you want to do in its section. Also select the Room, the Rate in which you want to operate, and the Period. Then click Submit.

Closed dates will appear in gray on the calendar and open dates (always respecting AvaiBook availability) will be in white.

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