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How do I create a new booking?
How do I create a new booking?

Create new booking, confirmed booking, create manual booking

Adriana Silva avatar
Written by Adriana Silva
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes it can happen that you receive a booking request from platforms that you have not synchronized or connected with AvaiBook. In these cases you can register a booking manually. To do this, go to the menu Planning > Calendar.

There are two ways to do this:

1. Click on the start date and drag the mouse to the end date.

2. Select the dates you want to appear as unavailable due to this booking. To do this, click on the day of the calendar you want to define as the entry date. You will see a box where you must also determine the departure date.

Once selected, you can choose whether you want to create a booking, a pre-booking or a blocking. You must select the option Reserve (2). Fill in the information requested below. Among them, the data of the traveler (3).

The advance payment for the reservation will be defined by default with the rates that you have in AvaiBook, but if you wish to apply other rates you only have to uncheck the box "prices according to rates defined in AvaiBook" (4) and put the corresponding ones.

If you wish, you can also add the traveler's credit card information so that it can be recorded in case you need to charge it later.

When you have finished, click on the Create button (6) so that the reservation is reflected in the calendar in green.

Once you have created a confirmed reservation in AvaiBook, you will be able to access it and make the necessary change (change of prices, change of accommodation, change of dates ...). Please note that if you change the period, the total price of the reservation will not be updated automatically so you must change it manually.

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